Tuesday, February 4, 2020

English 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

English 2 - Essay Example If indeed it is found that soccer is a good way to help troubled youths, that fact will provide a major incentive for governments to invest more money in these kinds of recreational activities. This autobiography shows the affect soccer has had on one of the all-time great players. Beckham indicates that soccer kept him on a straight and narrow path. This book is good for background information. This book provides a great deal of information on the professional aspect of soccer. Interviews in it with players indicate that the sport shaped their lives in a positive manner. This is good for background. Another useful biographical book that shows the impact of the game on the life of Pele. This provides insight into how soccer influences young people growing up in the Third World. Examples in this book are useful. Another invaluable look at problems suffered by adolescents. This book discusses disciplined activities such as sports which can help troubled young people. A great deal of insight is provided by the author. Another survey of how troubled youth can be brought into athletic activities at schools. This book provides advice to practitioners and suggest strategies to integrate disaffected teenagers. Sports can be a big part of

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