Thursday, December 26, 2019

Legal Drinking Age Should It Be Altered - 1408 Words

Legal Drinking Age: Should It Be Altered? The legal drinking age has been an ongoing controversy for decades, consisting of people who are for lowering, raising, or keeping the age with multiple reasons behind each side. It is commonly known that consuming alcohol can have life-threatening effects on the human body, but these effects can be much harsher at a younger age. Reducing the age for eighteen year olds may result in senseless acts from the drug. Statistics prove that maintaining the legal drinking age at twenty-one will be a much safer environment for all. Though there may perhaps be equitable outcomes with lowering the age to eighteen, the people would benefit greatest if the age remained twenty-one. After acknowledging differing statistics and beliefs of whether the drinking age should be altered or remain twenty-one years of age, evidence verifies that the legal drinking age would be foremost at the remaining age. Several years have been spent contemplating on what to make the legal, minimum drinking age for the consumption of alcohol. There are countless reasons to why each person has a certain stand on this topic. Many have considered the thought of whether the age should be lowered to eighteen, remain twenty-one, or even raise the age above twenty-one. Lowering the age to eighteen years of age appeals to people because of the fact that many rights are given to individuals that they did not have prior to eighteen. At eighteen years old,Show MoreRelatedPositive And Negative Effects Of Drinking Alcohol1709 Words   |  7 Pagesthe consumption of alcohol but it can be said that drinking alcohol has both positive and negative effects. Controversy may arise between opposing sides that those below the age of twenty-one are not responsible enough to drink however are allowed a driving license or a driver’s permit. 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The attitudes regarding the drinking age have been based off statistics and society’s varying opinion. Alcohol is a toxic depressant that has a damaging effect on the human body. As a result, to prevent excessive alcoholic consumption, the ratification of the 18th amendment took place from 1919 to 1939. This established the Prohibition Act, which banned the transportation, manufacturing and selling ofRead MoreMinimum Limited Drinking Age Law883 Words   |  4 PagesMinimum limited drinking age law in America was passed more than 30 years ago. Therefore, it needed to be altered to catch up with today’s world. Teenagers today are no longer the kind of teenager back in the 1980s. Now, they have access to information on the Internet, they were taught how alcoholic drinks affect to the body, they were supervised by their parents closely. Moreover, teenagers even have legal access to voting, driving, owning a car,...and they can be jailed up if they break the lawRead MoreDrinking Age Should Be Lowered1039 Words   |  5 Pages2017 Drinking age is already dangerous as is In recent discussions of the drinking age limit, people have always said that the drinking age limit should be lowered. Some may argue that alcohol is not bad and that it can actually be beneficially. Many people would want the drinking age limit to be lowered so that it is legal for young adults to drink. If the drinking age limit were to be lowered there would be a drastic difference in society. In my perspective I will argue that the drinking age limitRead MoreEssay on The Legal Drinking Age Should Be 181540 Words   |  7 Pagesminimum drinking age in this country sometimes seem ridiculous and unnecessary. In this paper, I will discuss why certain laws are unfair and I will provide alternatives to certain problems concerning underage drinking and binge drinking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Let?s face it, no matter what laws the government enforces to cut down on underage drinking, it is commonplace and happens everywhere from grade school through high school and predominantly in college. The government is looking to stop teen drinking ratherRead MoreWhats the Appropriate Drinking Age?1256 Words   |  6 PagesWhat’s the Appropriate Age? Alcoholism has been a major problem in the world for hundreds of years. Most people that deal with alcoholism became alcoholics because they needed a quick and easy way to de-stress. After long days at work or arguments with family and friends, the first thing they do is start drinking to make their stress go away. No one wakes up and decides, â€Å"I’m going to become an alcoholic today.† No one wants to be an alcoholic but bad things happen. If you are not careful withRead MoreDrinking And Driving Should Not Be Taken Lightly1500 Words   |  6 Pages Drinking and Driving Have you or someone you know been personally affected by someone who was drinking and driving? If you have then you understand the seriousness of why this is a major problem and should not be taken lightly. Many people have the understanding that they should not drink and drive when they are sober, when they start drinking however, their opinions most of the time change. Alcohol distorts a person s judgement and allows their perception to be altered, people who are underRead MorePrescription Medications And Illicit Drugs Essay1706 Words   |  7 PagesDrugs in the United States are a complex issue that ranges from legal, over-the-counter and prescription medications to illicit substances that are highly addictive. While many people have a legitimate need for medication to function on a daily basis, there are also many incidences where these potentially helpful drugs are abused. When legal medications are abused, they cause the same personal, social and economic problems as il licit substances. This paper will look at the use of both prescriptionRead MoreAlcohol abuse1512 Words   |  7 Pages Abstract Alcohol abuse is also a serious medical and social problem, but is not the same as alcoholism. Alcohol abuse is the intentional overuse of alcohol, i.e., to the point of drunkenness. This includes occasional and celebratory over-drinking. Not all people who abuse alcohol become alcoholics, but alcohol abuse by itself can have serious medical effects. Overuse of alcohol is considered to be: More than 3-4 drinks per occasion for women. More than 4-5 drinks per occasion for men.

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